Thursday, March 25, 2010

2010 Choir HONGKONG Trip

Would wish to pen down the experience, but shall leave it to the students. hehhe :P

Anyways, the HK trip pics will be up on the blog soon... (please be patient with us). Meanwhile, you can view them in the Facebook.

And for those who are interested to see the framed pic HK DisneyLand gave us, it is nicely seated at Ms Ang's cupboard! It's hard to miss it!!!

Am proud to be part of the 1st batch to perform aboard.

More proud to be part of the ever-wonderful CHOIR!

~ ms ang :)

MARCH Updates

It's TERM 2 and yesh, we can sense the impending doom - Mid-year Exams !!!

You are reminded that the CHOIR PRACTICE resumes in Week 1 (25 mar) and the teachers/leaders/coaches expect full attendance.

We DO NOT ACCEPT excuses such "I need to study for the exams!", "Got extra tution at home.", etc.

Be assured that there will be a CCA-stand down before the MYE.

Meanwhile, enjoy the term of academic adrenaline rush!! :D

Yours faithfully,

Ms Ang

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

All ms mages sec3s history students, you can hand in ur work on the secon d week of the term, instead of the first week.

From Ms Mages


Reporting time place and time for HK trip

Hello everyone!

If you are taking flight 1, please report to Changi airport Terminal 1, row 1 at 2pm.

If you are taking flight 2, please report to Changi airport Terminal 1, row 1 at 4pm.

Please practice "All things Bright and Beautiful" at home. We won't have time to practice after today. Remember to pack your music scores and choir uniforms. We won't have spare ones in HK for you.

Sec ones, if you don't have the uniform, get either a black dress or an ankle lenght black skirt and black shirt. Wear black court shoes and no revealing of toes.

Remember to pass your passports to Miss Lee and pay up soon!

See you !
Ms Lee Christine